Discover what makes your furry friend so unique.

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Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet Week
Every year during the third week of September, we observe “Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet Week”...
Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet Week
Top 10 Dog Names of 2023
As of 2023, over 65 million households in the U.S. alone call themselves proud...
Top 10 Dog Names of 2023
Benefits of Bringing a Senior Dog into Your Pack
November is a month full of festivities – Thanksgiving, Remembrance Day, Christmas preparations...
Benefits of Bringing a Senior Dog into Your Pack
Breeds With the Longest Lifespans
If there’s one thing all dog-lovers can agree on, it’s that we wish our four-legged friends...
Breeds With the Longest Lifespans
Dogs During Wartime
Canines have been serving alongside humans for thousands of years, so it goes as no surprise that ...
Dogs During Wartime
Don’t Judge a Breed by its Cover
Breed Analysis Is An Incredibly Useful Tool.
Did you know that breed identification in dogs leads to significantly faster adoption...
Don’t Judge a Breed by its Cover
5 Breeds that Fall Under the Pit Bull Umbrella
“Pit Bull” isn’t an actual breed of dog.
Contrary to popular belief, the “Pit Bull” isn’t an actual breed of dog, but rather an umbrella term for a select few breeds that share a lot physical...
5 Breeds that Fall Under the Pit Bull Umbrella
The Diversity of Dogs
How Dogs Became the Most Diverse Land Mammals on Earth
Did you know that dogs are the most diverse species of land mammals on the planet? That’s right - our four-legged friends hold the ...
Diversity of Dogs
How Dogs Benefit our Mental Health
Why Our Canine Companions are Good for Our Health
When it comes to all the ways our dogs benefit our mental & emotional health, it’s hard to know where to start...
Dogs and Mental Health
Benefits of Bee Pollen for Dogs with Allergies
There’s been a lot of buzz in the pet parent community about the benefits of bee pollen supplements for dogs, especially when it comes to pups with seasonal allergies...
Benefits of Bee Pollen
Is your dog getting a “complete and balanced” diet?
Just like people, all dogs have unique dietary and nutritional needs. For example, a diet that works for a Pug living ...
Is your dog getting a “complete and balanced” diet?
The Domestication of Dogs
Long before we implemented widespread farming and domesticated livestock animals like goats, cows, and sheep, humans domesticated the dog...
The Domestication of Dogs
International Chihuahua Day
In honour of International Chihuahua Day, we think it’s only fitting to pay homage to our spunky little canine companions...
International Chihuahua Day
Combating Canine Allergies
Just like people, our pups can experience seasonal allergies. Most dogs experience seasonal allergies...
Combating Canine Allergies
Pet Memorial Day – Ways to Remember
Pets Who’ve Crossed the Rainbow BridgeThis Tuesday June 11, 2024, is World Pet Memorial Day - a day for pet parents and animal lovers...
Memorializing your dog on Pet Memorial Day
Pet Memorial Day 2023
Every year on the second Tuesday of June, pet parents are given a day to celebrate and remember their four-legged family members...
Pet Memorial Day 2023
Is your dog afraid of fireworks?
Whether you’re celebrating Canada Day or the Fourth of July, the upcoming week is sure to be packed with celebrations, barbeques...
Is your dog afraid of fireworks?
Sun sensitivity in dogs
Did you know dogs can get sunburns? Just like people, our pups are...
Sun sensitivity in dogs
Safety First! Tips for being active with your dog this summer.
With temperatures around the globe expected to soar into the double digits this summer, keeping...
Safety First! Tips for being active with your dog this summer.
How to keep your dog hydrated in the heat
Keeping your dog hydrated during the hot summer months is essential to their overall health. But some dogs are pickier about...
How to keep your dog hydrated in the heat
Breeds that are prone to heatstroke and how to prevent it.
Although all breeds can experience heatstroke, there are a few types of dogs that are more sensitive to the heat...
Breeds that are prone to heatstroke and how to prevent it.