Greenland Dog
The Greenland Dog is an ancient breed believed to have descended from dogs brought from Siberia by the Thule peoples over 1,000 years ago. Also known as the Greenland Husky and the Gronlandshunden, the Greenland Dog is well-muscled, sturdy, and sports a thick, well-insulated coat to protect it from the harsh, frigid climates in which it lived and worked. Often mistaken for the Canadian Eskimo sled dog, the Greenland Dog is slightly taller, leaner, and less bulky. Their large, rectangular paws and powerful legs allowed them to pull sleds, haul fright, and even hunt seals and bears in the coldest of Artic conditions. While they were primarily bred as sled dogs, these all-purpose workers also excel at hunting and tracking and have an impeccable sense of direction.