East Siberian Laika
Originating in the harsh, frigid regions of Eastern Siberia, the East Siberian Laika is a Spitz-type dog and descendant of various Indigenous breeds brought by migrating tribes from the West. As the largest of the four Russian Laikas used for hunting, the East Siberian Laika is a highly intelligent and avid hunter with an impeccable sense of smell and direction. Although they were primarily used as hunting and tracking dogs, this versatile breed is often employed as a multi-purpose sledding and drover dog as well. Aptly named for their tendency to bark upon locating prey, "Laika" is a Russian word and is derived from the term "layat" which means "barker". In fact, they possess such a broad range of vocalizations that they use distinct barks for different purposes, such as locating prey, communicating with their owner, communicating with other dogs, mating purposes, and more.