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Basset Hound

Basset Hounds were originally bred to hunt small game like foxes and rabbits. They are scent hounds, bred to hunt using the scent of their prey. Devoted to its family, the Basset Hound has a gentle disposition and is mild, but not timid. They are often described as a large dog on small legs. They are generally well-behaved, but can be very stubborn and are notorious for drooling.

Learn About The Details

  • How they show their personality

    • Because of their hunting and tracking history, Basset Hounds will adamantly and single-mindedly follow a scent.
    • They are highly pack-oriented dogs and enjoy being around their family and other pets.
    • Wanting to fit into family life, they do not like being left alone. If left alone for long periods of time, they can get into mischief and show off their distinctive howl (also known as a bay) instead of a bark.
  • How to care for them

    • With their stubborn personality, Basset Hounds can be challenging to novice owners and do best under the guidance of a confident leader.
    • Unless they are persuaded it is something they should do, these dogs will pretend not to hear you (even with those big ears!). Their short, smooth coats are easy to care for, needing only weekly brushings.
    • They are prone to ear infections and skin irritation due to the folds in their skin and their floppy ears.
  • How to build your bond

    • Generally speaking, Basset Hounds are gentle, even-tempered dogs that make great family pets and loyal companions.
    • They truly enjoy spending time with their people and are always up for an adventure. A very outdoorsy breed, Basset Hounds are happiest when outside.
    • Dedicate lots of time to early training & socialization to hinder their stubborn streak and you'll have a loyal companion by your side.
  • How to keep them healthy

    • Prone to obesity, the Basset Hound should be given plenty of daily exercise and special attention should be paid to their diet and weight.
    • Obesity can result in serious conditions such as Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD), joint pain, and early-onset arthritis. They may also be prone to bloat, chronic ear infections, and eye disease.
  • What makes them special

    • The Basset Hound has the largest bone density of all canines. Many people believe them to be small dogs but they are medium to larger dogs on short legs.
  • Stats

    • Height: 14-16 inches
    • Weight: 40-70 pounds
    • Lifespan: 12-13 years
    • Group: Hound